Grab the polygon tool. Then look at the top menu bar. You will see new options. Select the top layer. Select 10 mils width. Then make sure to select the button next to isolate, and also specify 12 mils for isolate.
Download the silkscreen file below. Then click on the ULP icon. It's 8th icon from the right on the top menu next to the SCR icon (the script) icon.
Then you can do cool stuff like drawing circles:
In inches: circle (.5 .5) (.9375 .5)
First go to the grid selection display.
Turn on all layers! Just select them on the left of their name. Now click on the am button:
Now, in the Cam Processor Window go to "File > Open > Job...", and then choose the file below (you can download it on this page). Click process job.
Now make a tar file for BatchPCB:
tar -czvf batch.tar.gz *.cmp *.sol *.plc *.pls *.stc *.sts *.drd
drill (approx) 2.5 mm inches hole 0.112 (0.1 0.1); hole 0.112 (0.1 0.9); hole 0.112 (0.9 0.9); hole 0.112 (0.9 0.1);